New Year 2015

I brought the new year in fast asleep.  It was just me, Byron and Elayna at home, and well, I was tired.  I’m not a party animal these days!
I’m still getting used to this tablet….it’s really neat, has a full keyboard and all that.  Its just getting programs up and apps and stuff…totally not used to all that.

2014 was a really good year.  Some of the highlights were the Spring Break trip the girls and I took to St Augustine.  It was just the three of us and we had a blast!

Then over the summer, my mom, all three of my kids, and I went up to the Florida panhandle.  We visited my brother and his family, and then my family in Panama City.  We had so much fun!

And of course I went back to my job that I love so much.  All is still going very well there.  I am SO glad I made that decision.

I’m not into resolutions and the thought of creating a theme word for the year makes me kind of want to vomit (sorry).  I just want 2015 to be even better than 2014.  I want to do more, and enjoy life more.  We already had several positive changes towards the end of 2014 which will help us meet the goals of 2015.

And maybe I’ll blog more.  Maybe.  =)

3 thoughts on “New Year 2015

  1. We were up but I was in a bad mood so we didn’t open the champagne. We actually opened it on New Year’s day in the afternoon! I don’t make any resolutions either. Happy New Year!


  2. I’m the same way. I don’t do resolutions or bucket lists for special words. I just really want to be able to worry less, chill out more, be in the moment, and enjoy life.

    I hope you have a fantastic 2015!


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