It’s Sweet Summertime & I am Thankful!

A thankful list with letters – because why not?  

A. A while back I lost one of a pair of turtle earrings that matches a turtle necklace.  It was one of my favorite sets of costume jewelry and I was so bummed.  I refused to get rid of the remaining earring in the hope that one day, the missing turtle earring would reappear.  Lo and behold, the other night Elayna moved something in my bedroom and there was my turtle earring!  SOOO thankful!  


This is the necklace.

B. I am truly thankful for thrifting.  I have scored some awesome stuff lately (including the outfit I wore to Shelbie’s graduation and blogged about Thursday).  I’m going to blog next Thursday about some beautiful creations that I am making with thrifted materials.

C. I mentioned last weekend that the air conditioner at home stopped working.  What I didn’t mention is that just a couple of days prior to that, the a/c in the truck stopped working!  I was driving down the road and the a/c was happily blasting away – until it wasn’t.  The fan just abruptly stopped.  Thankfully, it was also a simple, inexpensive fix.

D. My favorite type of food, after good old Southern home cooking, is Mexican food.  My husband is super picky about what he eats.  Actually, it’s mostly in his head; if I can convince him to try something he usually likes it, but he’s very reluctant to try new things.  ANYWAY, much to my surprise and delight, he agreed to go to a Mexican restaurant on Friday night!  AND I had the most delicious chimichanga I have had in many, many years.  He also enjoyed his meal.  Thankful for a willing husband and fantastic food!


E. OMGosh.  Thankful for Sonic Salt Caramel Milkshakes.  OMGosh OMGosh OMGosh.

F. I’ve had a cold this week and have nearly lost my voice.  Pretty sure my family is thankful that they get a break from listening to me.  Heh.

G. Saturday night we are having a graduation party for Shelbie and Tyler.  It’s a pool party.  Today, while I was helping my MIL out around her house, she had a problem with her pool filter.  I took it to the pool place for her and at first, they told me the part would have to be ordered and wouldn’t be in until Monday.  Which would’ve meant no swimming.  THANKFULLY, they were wrong about the problem and it was a super-easy fix and is now back to working properly.

H. I am so thankful that it is SUMMERTIME.  I love it!  I love the hot weather, swimming, suntans,  the activities, the extra time with my kids….it’s the best.


Hanging out by MIL’s pool

I. This past week, Elayna had band camp for three days.  It was a day camp and she had to be dropped off in the morning two of the three days, then picked up in the evening.  The times were difficult for me because of my work schedule, so both my mom and my mother-in-law pitched in and helped out with dropoff and pickup.  I’m thankful for their ability and willingness to help out.

J. I’m also thankful that my mother-in-law is so good to my kids.  She has totally accepted and embraced them as her own.  She’s so good to them – and me!

 Okay – your turn!  Go forth and be thankful!

Ten Things of ThankfulO


22 thoughts on “It’s Sweet Summertime & I am Thankful!

  1. I always feel a little tingle of jealousy when people speak of their happy relationships with their MILs. I was not fortunate enough to experience that. I am glad you have that and that you realize it is a treasure.


    • This is my third marriage. My first MIL was very sweet, but sadly she passed away two years after we married. My second MIL was a royal pain in the rear, part of the reason for our divorce, and a big reason why I appreciate my current MIL SOOO much!


  2. Wonderful things to be thankful for and will tell you that I am so happy that it is summertime here, as well. And yay to the missing earring and have had a few things such as this that I have held onto hoping to find the missing part to myself.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. It’s nice to meet you, Cyndy. I have some of my own a/c problems today – hoping it is fixed by cleaning out filters and units. On a hot day, there is not much more I’m thankful for.



  4. WAHEY! I’m so glad you found your earring again! There’s nothing worse than losing something precious and knowing that it *must* be somewhere.

    Thrifting ROCKS and I need to do some, soon, to get togged out for summer.

    I really like how you did your list this week, and I am hungry just thinking about all the wonderful food you’ve enjoyed 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. What a fantastic thankful list! I love it!
    I am so happy you found your earring. That kind of thing makes me crazy!
    I hope your throat is all better now! 🙂


  6. I love it when I find something I thought I had lost and it happens to me a lot these days! So glad you found your earring…the necklace is adorable. I love turtles! And I LOVE Mexican food and eat it quite a bit. Too much probably. We don’t have a Sonic nearby but Steak n Shake has a salted caramel milkshake that is pretty flippin’ good too and now I think I will be having one later today 🙂 So thank you! It is good when you have a blended family that everyone feels included and loved. I know that doesn’t always happen, so you are definitely blessed. I hope you keep enjoying your summer!


  7. Please send Elayna to my house. I have lost a favorite pair of earrings and could use her expertise. How does she feel about sorting through a landfill looking for them?


  8. I have done that with a lone earring before–kept it and then found the other! Now I always hold on to lone earrings that I love. I also love Mexican, or Tex-Mex. I grew up in TX, and my husband doesn’t crave it as I do. I could eat it once a week, at least. But it’s best I do not. Yay for your thrifting! I’ve made some good finds lately, myself.


  9. Awe your turtle jewelry is so cute. My best friend who passed away loved turtles. She would stop her car anywhere we were to save a turtle out of the road.

    Sonic Salt Caramel Milkshakes why do I not know about these. I think my next lunch with Bub will be Sonic.


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