Critter Update


I suppose I should make this a regular feature here, since we seem to have a lot of…well…critters.



You may remember that a couple of weeks ago, I was on my way to work minding my own business when two tiny kittens saw a sucker about to drive by in a  big red truck.  They did a really great act of looking pitiful, so naturally, I brought them home.

I figured if any of the dogs would have a problem with the kittens it would be the little one, because she is exactly like this little dog:

She is a little brat!
But in fact, she is very good with the kittens.  She mothers them, and is very gentle.
Initially the big dogs seemed fine with them too, but then they showed some behavior that worried us, and it was obvious that we needed to slow down and be more careful with them.  So we keep them mostly separated from the big dogs right now, with short, very closely supervised interactions.  The kittens have razor sharp claws and can defend themselves pretty well, but my big dogs are, well, big, and could probably eat them in one bite.  So we’re being careful, at least until they get to the two-bite stage.

The kittens are adorable.  I’m so glad I found both of them together, because it’s so much fun to watch them play together and then snuggle up to sleep together.  When they have to be closed up in a room, they entertain each other.  They are getting so big, I think they’ve doubled in size!  Hazel Grace is more spunky and playful (and mischievous!); Paisley is a follower and she’ll play for a little while, then wants to snuggle and sleep.  They immediately started using the litter box and have never pottied anywhere else.  There’s something about babies, puppies and kittens that just make you smile!


Bo, who I posted about on Saturday, shows no ill effects from his adventure in eating (and upchucking) one of the kittens’ collars.


We FINALLY moved Elayna’s rabbit outside.  This has been something I wanted to do for a long time, but my husband worried that the rabbit wouldn’t survive out there.  He thought rain or predators would surely kill her.  I have kept rabbits outside before and felt like she would be fine.  In the end, I am the one who usually cleans the cage (if not me, Elayna) and deals with the nastiness in and around said cage, and I came home one day and said, “the rabbit is going outside, and that’s the end of it.” (the discussion, not the rabbit.  hopefully.)  We already had a perfect outside cage that’s raised up off the ground, has a solid roof, and everything a rabbit could possibly need.  So, we did it, it’s been over a week, and the rabbit is now outside and seems as happy as a rabbit can possibly seem.  And I am WAY happier.  Which, really, is what matters, amIright?




The rest of the animals are their usual crazy selves.  We are currently feeding three stray cats outside as well as having three dogs and three cats inside (I guess we like the number three??).  I’m glad my husband loves animals as much as I do (maybe more!).



I posted this on Facebook last night:

My dogs believe that when we open a package (like chips, cookies), it is the equivalent of calling their names! I told them it is NOT. They don’t believe me! —  eating potato chips and not sharing!

I got so many likes and comments, apparently everyones’ dogs think the same thing!  Do yours?


Got critters?  Tell me all about ’em!

3 thoughts on “Critter Update

  1. 4 dogs, 2 cats, 11 chickens and a tank full of fish. I don’t think I could do a rabbit too but I do want more chickens!

    Love stories about the new kitties!


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